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Produk Pertama Indonesia Teknologi Coating Eropa “Composite Membrane Fabric”

Produk Pertama Indonesia Teknologi Coating Eropa “Composite Membrane Fabric”

Produk Pertama Indonesia Teknologi Coating Eropa
“Composite Membrane Fabric”

Yth. Membrane Applicators and Contractors, 
Sebagai industri technical textile teknologi Eropa, PT Ateja Grace Texindo dengan bangga meluncurkan produk pertama Indonesia “Composite Membrane Fabric”  dengan brand“AGTex”.
Seiring perkembangan Membrane Fabric di Indonesia yang kian pesat dan untuk memenuhi pasar domestik dan luar negeri, maka dengan kapasitas produksi besar PT Ateja Grace Texindo menghadirkan terobosan baru “PVC Coating Fabric” high grade class yang diproduksi melalui inovasi mesin terbaru, riset dan teknologi tinggi Eropa oleh para ahli lokal  dan luar negeri, serta dukungan penuh pengalaman Ateja group selama 40 tahun dalam memproduksi kain berstandard international  ter-integrasi dari spinning, dyeing, weaving sampai finishing, mampu mensejajarkan coated fabric “AGTex” dengan produk sekelas dunia lainnya.
Dengan daya kekuatan, ketahanan dan kelenturan tinggi, coated Fabric “AGTex” memiliki standard lebar kain mulai dari 2 meter, 2,5 meter dan 3 meter  dan variasi warna yang dapat di-custom made untuk memenuhi kebutuhan khusus para pelanggannya.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi :
Shinta Rachmasari  ~ mobile 0811.2400.217 ~
Kami  mengucapkan  terima  kasih  atas  perhatian  dan  dukungan  yg  telah diberikan   kepada  “AGTex”  Composite  Membrane  Fabric  untuk  memenuhi kebutuhan  pasar  domestik  dan  luar  negeri  saat  ini  dan di masa mendatang.


where ART and
AGTex coated Fabrics provide an
impressive dimensional stability, 
tensile strength and tear strength 
in our product.
The performance of our coated fabrics 
takes the prominent space in dynamic 
modern lifestyle, where the endless 
aesthetic design and multi-functionality 
meets; as such stunning visual delights
are created.
The optimum flexibility to any versatile complex shapes permits AGTex coated fabrics to vigorously adapt to state-of-the-art trends and technologies for today and tomorrow.



Coating Process

AGTex products line are created by an integrated European coating technology combined with supreme technical expertise.

The liquid form coating which primarily consists of PVC ensures the stabilization of the pre-stressed base cloth, filling the air pockets within and bridging interstices to cover the surface and generate the impressive durability, tensile and tear strength of the product.

The high performance quality and longevity of our products provides low cost, installation time and maintenance, enabling AGTex product lines with the ability to provide a wide variety of dramatic functions that fits every sophisticated lifestyle.

Composite Membrane

Base Cloth
A woven Base Cloth of high tenacity polyester yarns is the base material to provide Tear strength, Tensile strength and Dimensional stability on finished product.

Base & Primer Coating
The primarily PVC coating impregnate the base Cloth to enhance the impressive Dimensional stability, high Tensile strength and high Elongation rupture.

Exterior Coating
Applying the exterior coatings on surface sealing generates the maximum protection quality against atmospheric chemical, microbial and fungal attacks, weather and environment friendly resistance to Ultra Violet Thermal, Rain, Abrasion and Flame Retardant.




AGTex, stands for the best in Coating Technologies for Technical Textiles
PT ATEJA GRACE TEXINDO is a pioneer in coating technologies for the technical textile Industry of Indonesia, established in 2014 launching their Composite Membrane under the registered trade mark AGTex.
The affliction with the Ateja group as one of the internationally leading companies which has grown through four decades whilst creating textiles ranging from the conventional to the technical through a vertical integrated production line, creates another important milestone in our history with AGTex products.

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23 Februari 2016 pukul 06.33

maaf..harga untuk aplikator sama User disamain ga ? trmksh

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